Bottesini to Ricordi (Torino, 18 Apr 1859)
No 36 Contrada degli Artisti, Casa Barbiè.

Carissimo Amico,

The Firm is not able to spend 800F to hire my opera. The maximum that I was able to get was 500. The contract would stay secret between us, therefore I definitely don't think that it would harm the interests of Signor Tito, and I believe that it is of great, or rather, of primary importance to produce this opera with a good company and in a first class theatre like the Teatro Scribe.

I ask you then out of friendship for me to get Signor Tito's permission. I hope to receive a favourable reply and with warm greetings to you, believe me always


Gio. Bottesini

You remember me at the Ricordi family only as Signor Giovanni.
Italian Original
Source: Property of Editore Ricordi, Milan
Published in: Inzaghi: Giovanni Bottesini p121, carteggio 11