Bottesini to Ricordi (Torino, 18 Apr 1859) |
No 36 Contrada degli Artisti, Casa Barbiè.
Carissimo Amico, The Firm is not able to spend 800F to hire my opera. The maximum that I was able to get was 500. The contract would stay secret between us, therefore I definitely don't think that it would harm the interests of Signor Tito, and I believe that it is of great, or rather, of primary importance to produce this opera with a good company and in a first class theatre like the Teatro Scribe. I ask you then out of friendship for me to get Signor Tito's permission. I hope to receive a favourable reply and with warm greetings to you, believe me always L' Gio. Bottesini You remember me at the Ricordi family only as Signor Giovanni. |
Italian Original |
Source: Property of Editore Ricordi, Milan |
Published in: Inzaghi: Giovanni Bottesini p121, carteggio 11 |